Every young girls dream(so I am told) is to be a movie star or a beautiful model and marry a prince!!! To have their own pony etc etc blah blah
As the years role by and reality strikes and they stand more chance of finding shergar giving rides on Southend beach, they realise that an education might not be a bad thing. So they work hard at school, take up rugby and lo and behold they gain A*s and become the hero of their rugby team.
Now the story would go something like " the handsome hunk who is the 1st team captain sweeps them off their feet and they fall in love and live happily ever after".
Unfortunately our clever, intelligent, rugby playing girl still dreams of being that beautiful movie star adored by millions. So she forsakes her education and relatively small talent for the game of rugby and goes off to drama school.
After years of knocking on agents doors, and wearing out numerous casting couches!!!!
she finally gets her break on CHILDRENS TV as