Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Basford Girls End of Season Presentation

Last friday saw the annual Basford girls Dinner Dance held at the Oysterfleet in Canvey.
Guest of Honour this year was Steve Cleare who is the incoming Youth Chair at Rochford RFC.
Following the dinner the presentations took place with Steve presenting trophies and medals to the players.


U18 Player of the Year Rachel French
U18 Most Improved player Jemma Sommers

U15 Player of the Year Yasmin Pemberton
U15 Most Improved player Bronwyn Hughes

U18's Kent & Sussex League Winners
U15's Kent & Sussex League winners

Outgoing Captains awards
U18's Sarah MCB
U15's Olivia Stembridge.

There was also a special presentation to Sarah MCB of a rugby picture frame complete with photographic memories of Sarah's time with the team over the last 3 yrs and an engraved Tankard.
Sarah is leaving the team at the end of this season to head off to University in Scotland, but is also retiring from the game due to the horrific injury she sustained to her ankle during a game back in November 2007. Her immediate reaction was that she would be back within 10 months and that steely determination and resolute approach to the injury has seen her refusing to give in. Many of us have witnessed the pain and discomfort she has endured whilst the strapping has been applied before every training session or game, simply to allow her to participate for however long. Many have wished that her recovery had been swift and successful but after an extremely difficult and emotional year the final prognosis to the extent of the injury has meant that she will no longer be able to take part in the game.
But her unflappable determination to complete will simply not die and she has again reassessed her options which will take root in either Kayaking or rowing whilst she is at University, which we know she will be a success.

All of her friends at Basford wish her good luck for the future and will remember her as one of the finest club captains we have had.

Also leaving the club are Rachel French, Fi Jordan, Frank Jordan, Sam Sewering and Siobhan Franklin who are off to University or in the twins case to take to the skies in the RAF.
Good luck to all the girls.

Presentations were also made to the coaches from the girls for their help this season.
Bouquets were also presented to Paula and Tina for their hard work this season both as Team Manager but also for all the various organising of tours etc. A bouquet was also presented to Jan for the behind the scenes work this season and with the the Dinner Dance.

Well thats the end of a long, at times difficult but ultimately rewarding season for all the girls.
Well done to all and heres to a successful 2009/10 season.